Dr. Hui Gao L.Ac., T.C.M.D.
Acupuncture - Chinese herbal medicine - Cupping therapy
Initial Visit
We sit down together, I will ask some questions about your health history and symptoms.
Service Description
During the treatment session, you will be positioned on a massage table either on your side, face up, or face down. Palpation will be performed to identify areas of tenderness or discomfort, which may include the abdomen, neck, back, and spine, as well as the arms and legs. This assessment can provide valuable information about imbalances in the body's systems. Acupuncture needles will be gently inserted into specific points and left in place for 30-45 minutes. Feeling a bit anxious during your first visit is common, but the treatment typically induces deep relaxation. Many patients enter a state of tranquility or heightened relaxation during the session, often experiencing euphoria afterward. All needles used are pre-sterilized and disposed of after each treatment. Acupuncturists adhere to strict standards and procedures to ensure patient safety and a clean environment. The entire visit typically lasts around one to one and a half hours. Our fee for acupuncture treatment is $100.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations, please contact us at 518-882-8595/518-894-3652 48 hours before your appointment. Thank you.
Contact Details
23 Computer Dr E, Albany, NY 12205, USA